9:54 PM

Lucas Rayner McConnell was born on June 3rd 2004 at 11:02 am.
A whopping 10 pounds 6 oz. and 21 inches long.
Lucas was born by c-section. Due to Andy's birth injury and the fact that I had gestional diabetes with Lucas, the doctors felt it would be best. The c-section went great. It was awesome to hear Lucas cry the first time.
Because I had the gestional diabetes....the nurses monitored Lucas's blood sugar after he was born. His blood sugar had to be over 40. Which it was 44 the first time. After I nursed him, they re-tested his blood sugar...and little by little it was going up. However, the nurses noticed his respiratory rate was a little high. So, they continued to monitor it. Normal respiratory rate is 40 beats per minutes. His rate was over 100 per minute. After we were transferred into a regular room, the nurses took Lucas to the nursery for bathtime. After a few hours the nurses decided his respiratory rate was still pretty high and they wanted to take him into the special care nursery (NICU) to watch him closer. At this time, they also noticed a heart murmur. The doctor talked to Bruce about ordering some blood work, an echogram, and a chest x-ray. The doctor also found out I was nursing so he decided Lucas could come up to my room for the night.
My aunt (who was staying the night with me) and I stayed up most of the night...watching Lucas. The next morning by 8 am, the nurses took him to the nursery for monitoring. After that, he spend the next 3 days in the Special Care Nursery (NICU). His echogram and chest x-ray came back normal however, his white blood cells were alittle bit higher than normal...which may mean infection. They had a blood culture done which would take 48 to 72 hours to come back...so in the meanwhile, they put him on an antibiotic as a precaution.
After 48 hours the blood culture was still negetive so he was able to come home with me. The heart murmur has closed up and his respiratory rate is improving. My doctor thinks it was all because he was a diabetic baby. Having gestional diabetes can cause a lot of issues. It is so important to do what it takes to get the diebetes under control because it affected the baby. I was luck to have my doctors catch this at 31 weeks.