9:38 PM

Andrew Jacob McConnell
Born February 4th, 2000
9 pounds 8.5 oz.
23 inches long
While giving birth, Andy got stuck in the birth canal. (There were 2 doctors and almost the whole floor of nurses trying to get Andy out.)This caused him to suffer a HIE event. The doctor used a vacuum to get him out which gave him a subdrual Hematoma (bleed on the brain) that developed into Hydrocephalus. He was without oxygen for approximately 15 minutes. His apgar scores were 0, 0, 0, 4 at 15 minutes! Not only did the things above happen, I have moderate to severe asthma and I wasn't able to breathe very well during the last few minutes of pushing, with that in mind, No extra oxygen was given to me at all during the whole labor and delievery.
To this day Andy is diagonsed with Cerebral Pasly, PVL and has a VP Shunt. He is delayed in Gross & Fine Motor Skills and is Non-Verbal.