6:55 PM

Family update

Here's a few family member updates:

Bruce's family update:

On Wednesday night, Robert (Bruce's Dad) went to the hospital for heart attack symptoms. We found out yesterday he has to have a triple by-pass. The surgery is scheduled tomorrow morning.

On Thursday, we found out that Bill (Bruce's Step-Dad) had a stroke. It isn't looking very good. He is sleeping 90% of the time and is not eating much. The doctors say he might not recover. He can not use his left side at all. Bobbie (Bruce's Mom) and Bill live in Idaho.

It's a bit weird to have both Dad and step-dad in the hospital at once.

My family update:

This weekend I found out my Uncle Randy is in hospital with seizures. He also lost some of his vision and the doctors don't really know what is causing them. They do think he might have had a stroke in his eye which is not showing up on the CT. I have done some research on seizures and vision and there is a type of seizure called Occipital Lope Epilepsy. Hopefully we will know more in the next few days.

I have another Uncle in Florida that is going through chemo treatments. He has been in and out of the hospital for a number of things.

The boys are doing really well.

Lucas started speech therapy again. He is thrilled to go back. The evaluation was done by using the Preschool Language Scale (PLS-3). He is extremely high auditory comprehension with moderately delayed expressive communication skills.

Luke's age = 4 yrs 7 mos.
Expressive communication = 3 yrs 5 mos.
Auditory comprehension = 5 yrs 8 mos.

Andy will be off track in March. It doesn't seem like I will be having a meeting with the school district regarding placement this month. We do have a meeting with transportation on March 4th. I am trying to get the whole team together on this day to talk about the plan. We'll see what happens...if anything.

We are shopping for a German Shepard. We think we found one we like. I will post photos if we bring him home. Hopefully Charlie our cockapoo will like him.

Well that's it for now. I hope everyone reading this is doing okay.