3:08 PM

Movement Discoveries June 2007

Well, we are here once again. This is the last week for Andy's intensive therapy program. He has been working with Adam and Matt. Andy has once again suprised the therapist how well he bounces back from things.
When we came here it was only 8 weeks ago he had foot surgery. He had 2 tendon transfers and achilles transfer on his left ankle. It was only 2 weeks ago the cast came off. It was only 4 days ago he was able to walk from the house to the van in the garage with me holding his hand.
I have to say I am impressed with Andy's determination to walk. His foot is still recovering so it still has a lot of swelling and we could tell the first week it was still pretty sore but through it all he still did everything Adam and Matt asked him to do then some.
By the end of the first week, without braces, Andy was able to walk from the hotel room to the van. This is quite a walk from the parking lot since we have a room in the courtyard.
The last week and a half, he has been learning to stand up from the ground. A few days ago he actually stood up and picked up a 3 pound ball and walked across the room to put it in a box. I have it on video...I will try to upload it here.
We have 2 days left. I will post some pictures and videos as soon as I figure out how to do it.