11:20 PM

Clan McConnell

I would like to take this time to introduce my family. My name is Kristi and my husband is Bruce. We have two son, Andy who is 5 years old and Lucas who is 9 months old. We have a German Shephard and a Chow Mix who are 7 & 8 years old.

Bruce started blogging a few months ago and thought I should start a family blog....So, here I am. Oh, by the way, Bruce's blog is xmarine.blogspot.com.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know our family. I welcome any comments.....

11:13 PM

This is my favorite picture of Andy. October 2004.

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Bruce and Andy at the park. October 2004.

11:04 PM

Here is a picture of me and Andy at the park. This was taken in October 2004.

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This is one of my favorite pictures of Lucas. He is 8 months old here. Feb. 2005.